Jellyfish 水母
Can I touch the jellyfish?
- It depends on the species.
- Most of our captive-bred jellyfish is relatively harmless to human.
- We don't recommend you to touch it if you have any skin allergy.
- 這取決於物種。
- 我們人工養殖的水母大多數對人類相對無害。
- 如果您有任何皮膚過敏,我們不建議你觸摸水母。
Why my jellyfish is sinking at the bottom in the aquarium?
- Your jellyfish may need some time (around 30 minutes) to get use to the temperature and salinity in the aquarium.
- Please ensure you have added water conditioner to remove chlorine every time you perform a water change.
- 水母需要一些時間,約 30 分鐘,適應水族箱的溫度和鹽度。
- 每次換水時,請確保有添加水質調節劑,以去除水中的氯氣。
Why there's a hole in my jellyfish?
- Air bubbles are harmful to jellyfish as they may puncture the body of jellyfish when trapped inside the dome.
- Please get rid of all tiny air bubble inside the aquarium if possible.
- 氣泡有機會傷害水母,當氣泡被困在傘狀時,會刺穿水母的身體。
- 請盡可能清除水族箱內的細小氣泡。
Is raising jellyfish difficult at home?
- It depends on the species of jellyfish.
- Moon Jellyfish (Aurelia aurita.) is a good jellyfish for beginners, which can tolerate a wider range of temperature.
- 這取決於水母的種類。
- 月水母(Aurelia aurita.)是一種適合初學者飼養的水母,因為它可以抵受較為廣泛的溫度。
How to feed my jellyfish?
- Tutorials are available under "Instruction Video" page.
- Jellyfish takes baby brine shrimp (BBS) as main food.
- Don't feed your jellyfish with BBS cyst directly.
- Pipette the food into the tank, don't squirt food directly to your jellyfish.
- Observe your jellyfish in next 15 min, their stomach should be filled with orange shrimp.
- Siphon out the residues at the bottom of the tank after few hours.
- Please avoid squeezing air bubbles towards your jellyfish.
- 可在「教學影片」頁面下找到。
- 水母以豐年蝦(BBS)為主要食糧。
- 不要將未孵化的豐年蝦卵直接餵飼水母。
- 將豐年蝦用滴管擠進缸內,不要將蝦直接擠到水母上。
- 在接下來的 15 分鐘,觀察你的水母,胃部會轉為橙色。
- 數個小時後,虹吸出缸底的殘留物。
- 請避免將氣泡擠向您的水母。
How often should I feed my jellyfish?
- We recommend you to feed your jellyfish twice a day.
- The size of jellyfish will change with respect to the amount of food.
- You might adjust the food amount accordingly upon observation of the jellyfish’s stomach.
- Feed more if your jellyfish is getting shrink, feed less if it's too large.
- 我們建議每天餵一至兩次水母。
- 水母的大小會隨著食物的數量而變化。
- 您可以觀察水母的胃部,相應地調整食物量。
- 如果您的水母體積變小,請多餵一些,如果它體積過大,請少餵一些。
Hardware 硬件
Tank 水缸
Is it made by glass?
- No, our jellyfish tank is made by acrylic with a very decent light transparency, it is more safer and lighter comparing to glass.
- 不,我們的水母缸是用亞克力材質,透光性非常好,比玻璃更為安全,更輕。
Can I raise jellyfish in a normal fish tank?
- In most scenario, it is very difficult to raise your jellyfish in a fish tank as the jellyfish may trap in the water outlet and get harmed by the tiny air bubbles.
- Therefore, a designated circular jellyfish aquarium would be a much better option.
- 在一般情況下,魚缸不太適合養水母,因為水母可能會被吸在出水口,並會因為氣泡而受傷。
- 特別設計的圓形水母缸會是一個更好的選擇。
Can I turn off the water pump by using the remote control?
- No, the remote control can only adjust the lighting system.
- 不可以,遙控器只能控制燈光。
How should I clean my tank?
- Take out your jellyfish.
- Turn off the power supply.
- Clean the tank with soft materials such as sponges.
- Don't use sharp materials such as razor for cleaning.
- After you finish the cleanup, turn on the power supply and wipe out the bubbles adhered to acrylic panels.
- Place your jellyfish back to the tank.
- 拿出你的水母。
- 關閉電源。
- 用海綿等柔軟材料清潔水缸。
- 請勿使用剃刀等鋒利物料清潔。
- 清理完成後,開啟電源,擦掉在亞克力板上的氣泡。
- 把你的水母放回水缸。
How often should I perform a water change to my aquarium?
- We recommend you perform a 50% water change weekly basis.
- This could help stabilize the water quality.
- 我們建議每週換水 50%。
- 這有助穩定水質。
How to perform a water change?
- We recommend you a prepare a bucket of clean salt water with aeration at home beforehand.
- Take out your jellyfish.
- Turn off the power supply.
- Clean your tank.
- Transfer half of the water from tank to a container.
- Introduce clean salt water to the tank, do not exceed the maximum level.
- Add Fluval Water Conditioner and Biological Enhancer.
- Turn on the power supply.
- Wipe out the air bubbles.
- Check the salinity value and water temperature.
- Place your jellyfish back to the tank.
- 我們建議您事先在家裡準備一桶乾淨鹽水,打氣備用。
- 拿出你的水母。
- 關閉電源。
- 清潔你的水缸。
- 將一半的水從水缸排到其他容器內。
- 將乾淨的鹽水加入水箱,不要超過最高水位。
- 添加 Fluval 水調節劑和生物增強劑。
- 打開電源。
- 除去氣泡。
- 檢查鹽度值和水溫。
- 把水母放回水缸。
Why the water is milky in a new aquarium?
- The nitrification system in the water body is not fully develop, normally it takes around a mouth to be fully matured in a aquarium.
- Please be patient and add Fluval Biological Enhancer regularly.
- 新缸內的硝化系統未完全建立,一般而言需約一個月待系統成熟。
- 請恆常加入硝化細菌培養液。
Why there is some brown/green dirt in the acrylic panel?
- Algae growths are common in tank.
- Please perform water change and cleaning more often to avoid it.
- You may turn off the light when not in use, or place your aquarium away from the sunlight to avoid algae overgrowth.
- 藻類在水箱中生長是很常見的。
- 請頻繁換水和清潔水缸。
- 您可以在非必要時關閉燈光,或將水缸放在遠離陽光的地方,以避免藻類過度生長。
Why the light is flickering?
- There is some water between cable connection hub.
- The power supply is malfunction, please contact us.
- 電源線插頭被涺沾濕
- 火牛不正常運作,請聯絡我們。
The red adjustment knob, which controls the water flow, is dripping, how could I fix it?
- Please contact us for help, or you may apply a proper amount of PTFE water pipe thread seal tape.
- 請聯繫我們,或者您可以使用適量的PTFE水喉膠布加固密封。
What is the water pipes near the power cable used for?
- Those two pipes can connect a water chiller providing a stable water temperature to your aquarium as some types of jellyfish require a lower water temperature.
- 這兩條管道可以連接冷水機,為您的水族箱提供穩定水溫。因為某些類型的水母需要較低的水溫。
Chiller 水冷機
How to set up the chiller?
- Please go to "Instruction Video" page.
- Don't put the chiller outdoor, and place it away from sunlight and heat.
- The red light indicates that the chiller is working.
- Press "Set" button for 1s, then press "+" or "-" to adjust your target temperature.
- Waiting the "Set" icon to disappear.
- To adjust the temperature activation range, press "Set" button for 3s until you see "F0", press "Set" button again, adjust the value to 1, which means when the water temperature is higher then 1°C that you have set, the chiller will starting cooling.
- Function Code:
- F0 = Chilling, F1 = Heating, F2 = Temperature calibration
- 請到「教學視頻」頁面。
- 請勿將冷水機放在室外,並請遠離陽光和熱源。
- 紅燈表示冷水機正在運行。
- 按住「設置」按鈕 1 秒,然後按「+」或「-」調整溫度。
- 等待「設置」圖示消失。
- 調節溫度激活範圍,長按「設置」鍵3秒,直到看到「F0」,再按「設置」鍵,將數值調整為1°C,即是每當水溫高於設定溫度1度時 ,冷水機便會開始製冷。
- 功能代碼:
- F0 = 冷卻,F1 = 加熱,F2 = 溫度校準
What is the black cable use for?
- This is a temperature probe, please submerge the tip in your aquarium.
- 這是溫度感應器,請確保將探頭浸入水族箱中。
What is the lowest temperature the chiller can provide?
- You can set the chiller from 20 - 30°C (depends on room temperature).
- We recommend you to turn on air-conditioner if you're going to achieve a relatively low water temperature.
- 您可以將冷水機的溫度設置為 20 - 30°C (視乎室溫)。
- 如果您要達到相對較低的水溫,我們建議您開啟冷氣。
Is it made by glass?
- No, the hatchery is made by acrylic with a very decent light transparency, it is more safer and lighter comparing to glass.
- 不,孵化器是由亞克力膠製成,透光性非常好,比玻璃更安全、更輕。
How long the hatchery takes?
- 48 hours without heater.
- 24 hours with heater (28°C).
- 48 小時如沒有使用加熱器。
- 24 小時如有使用加熱器 (28°C)。
Why my shrimp is dead after hatchery?
- Please ensure you have provide a proper aeration.
- Please ensure you have add water conditioner during hatching to remove chlorine.
- Please check the water salinity and temperature
- Salinity 1.020-1.025sg
- 25-28°C
- 請確保您提供了足夠的供氣。
- 請確保您在孵化過程中添加了水調節劑以去除氯氣。
- 請檢查水的鹽度和溫度
- 鹽度 1.020-1.025sg
- 25-28°C
How should I keep my baby brine shrimp (BBS)?
- You may keep it in a fridge.
- Please discard it after a week.
- Providing fresh BBS to your jellyfish every day is recommended.
- 你可以把豐年蝦放在雪櫃裹 (非冰格)。
- 請在約一周後丟棄。
- 建議每天為你的水母提供新鮮的豐年蝦。
Refractometer 光學折射儀
What is a refractometer?
- It can help you measure the water salinity (salt level) precisely.
- It is a laboratory or field device for the measurement of an index of refraction (refractometry).
- 它可以幫助您準確地測量水的鹽度。
- 普遍是用於實驗室測量液體的折射率。
What is the proper water salinity for jellyfish?
- For Moon Jellyfish, salinity 1.020-1.025sg is great.
- For other jellyfish species, please contact us.
- 對於月水母而言,1.020-1.025sg 的鹽度會較為適合。
- 對於其他水母種類,可以聯繫我們。